
My Post-Inauguration Bubble Was Blissful – How I Handled The Overload
My Post-Inauguration Bubble Was Blissful – How I Handled The Overload
My Post-Inauguration Bubble Was Blissful – How I Handled The Overload
I don't know about you, but within a few hours of President Trump being sworn in, I was on information (or, to be fair, misinformation) overload. Even benign websites featured posts of someone lashing out at someone else. I think the completely distasteful signs being held up by children was the straw that drove me into my post-inauguration bubble.
Stress and Attraction
Stress and Attraction
Stress and Attraction
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but those eyes are affected by stress in what they perceive to be beautiful. It's another scientific fact you can use to impress your friends.

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