Best of SNL Presidential Debates [VIDEO]
Best of SNL Presidential Debates [VIDEO]
Best of SNL Presidential Debates [VIDEO]
Today is Election Day and we're all sick and tired of commercials and ads and debates and phone calls trying to convince us who is the best of the best...or the best of the worst.  Let's take a break from the serious mud-slinging and have a laugh at the comical mud-slinging...
Happy Birthday SNL!  5 Classic Bits (VIDEO)
Happy Birthday SNL! 5 Classic Bits (VIDEO)
Happy Birthday SNL! 5 Classic Bits (VIDEO)

It was Saturday, October 11, 1975 when NBC took a chance on a late night comedy show called Saturday Night Live... The show was an instant success and, of course, is still on the air today. There have been so many cast members who went on to much greater fame, and there have also been some iconic moments of comedy.

There is no way we could pare it down to a Top 10 or Top 50 for that matter. Here are just a few of our favorite classic sketches in no particular order from Saturday Night Live.