Michael Gerard Holmes, 27, of Houston, one of many suspects in a string of robberies involving Radio Shack stores in Lake Charles and Houston went to trial last week on robbery charges.
Please take a moment to look at this video and see if you can help the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office solve an armed robbery of a Moss Bluff convienence store.
He thought he'd break into his old place of business, a restaurant, and steal a little money. But once he got to there, he remembered there were security cameras ... and he had no mask. So, he had to make do. With a five-gallon bucket.
If you're planning to rob a bank, we have two pieces of advice for you: 1) Don't do it, and 2) if you do, don't go back to the same bank later that day to complain about not getting enough money.
Authorities in Syracuse, New York, say 28-year-old Arthur Bundrage did both of those things.