
Holmes Not Guilty
Holmes Not Guilty
Holmes Not Guilty
Michael Gerard Holmes, 27, of Houston, one of many suspects in a string of robberies involving Radio Shack stores in Lake Charles and Houston went to trial last week on robbery charges.
Solve a Robbery
Solve a Robbery
Solve a Robbery
For the second time in the past week we have an armed robbery suspect on film. Check it out and see if you can solve this Moss Bluff armed robbery.
Know This Suspect?
Know This Suspect?
Know This Suspect?
Please take a moment to look at this video and see if you can help the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office solve an armed robbery of a Moss Bluff convienence store.
Guy Returns to Bank He Robbed
Guy Returns to Bank He Robbed
Guy Returns to Bank He Robbed
If you're planning to rob a bank, we have two pieces of advice for you: 1) Don't do it, and 2) if you do, don't go back to the same bank later that day to complain about not getting enough money. Authorities in Syracuse, New York, say 28-year-old Arthur Bundrage did both of those things.

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