At one time in it's history, Duck Dynasty attracted over 11 million viewers. According to the latest TV ratings, the show now attracts about half that.
Are the rating suffering because of Phil Robertson's comments, or has the show just run it's course?
Does the word "cave" mean anything to A&E? It was clear that the Robertsons were sticking together and it is now clear that A&E does value ratings and advertising dollars.
The Robertson family has issued a statement about A&E's suspension of Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty in the wake of comments he made in a GQ interview. The statement follows.
Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the family of Louisiana hunters on A&E's massive hit show 'Duck Dynasty,' recently gave an interview to GQ. In the course of the interview, Robertson opined on many subjects including religion and homosexuality. Those remarks have landed the star in a lot of hot water and now he's without a show.