
Feed Your Inner Scientist!
Feed Your Inner Scientist!
Feed Your Inner Scientist!
Hey, science enthusiasts! Don’t miss out on these awesome subscription boxes that bring the wonders of science right to your doorstep. Whether you're into collecting fossils and meteorites, or exploring nature's artistic coding, there's something here for everyone. Imagine holding authentic museum-grade scientific wonders in your hands! One box offers a captivating array of artifacts, including historic artifacts, cutting-edge materials, and remarkable specimens, while the other seamlessly blends STEM, coding, and art to delve into the mysteries of the natural world. Get ready for a hands-on scientific adventure!
Snake Steals Kid's Fish
Snake Steals Kid's Fish
Snake Steals Kid's Fish
Here's a great little video that pretty much explores the food chain. A young boy was fishing with his siblings and his mom when the kid caught a tiny perch. the fish was really much to small to keep, but to a nearby garter snake, the fish looked to be just the right size...

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