They say that a person should write about what they know. this article is perfect for me since I am one heavy coffee drinker. If you're a coffee drinker or a Red Bull guzzler, you'll find this quite interesting.
Mental Floss is second only to when it comes to exposing myths and folklore.
Here's a great piece from Mental Floss that exposes a myriad of things we've all learned on the internet and believe me, we've all learned a lot of things that just aren't true...
I know. Saying 'Thanksgiving' and 'food' in the same sentence is just almost redundant, but that's what this video is all about. Pay special attention to the part about stuffed dormouse.
Meet the latest addition to my family. Her name is Molly and I've had her for about two weeks. Yes, she already runs the house.
She's also as mean as a snake, but I love her.
If you're a cat owner, you might enjoy these '36 Facts About Cats' from Mental Floss
'When I look back on all the crap I learned in High School
It's a wonder I can think at all' - Paul Simon
Yeah, we all learned a lot of stuff back in school that technically isn't true. Here are a few of those falsehoods we learned.
We've all seen changes in sports rules. Usually, these rule changes are pretty minor with an eye on making each sport safer.
Here are 29 crazy rules that used to exist in the early days in the world of sports.
according to one of the best channels ever on YouTube, Mental Floss
Now that the fall matriculation has fully commenced, let's check out some tremendous college traditions around the country. How many have you heard of?