
Medical News– Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon
Medical News– Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon
Medical News– Anti-Aging Pill on the Horizon
We've had thousands of products thrown at us that promise to make us look and feel younger. Most of them are from various cosmetic companies, but now, a British geneticist says,"We have a pill for that." ABOVE:From "Little Big Man" Dustin Hoffman age 33, made up to look 121 . Dame Linda Partridge, a geneticist at University College London, says that medical science is on the br
Paul McCartney Mocks Plug-Pulling Incident During Olympic Rehearsal Video
Paul McCartney Mocks Plug-Pulling Incident During Olympic Rehearsal Video
Paul McCartney Mocks Plug-Pulling Incident During Olympic Rehearsal Video
Bruce Springsteen had his opportunity to poke fun at last weekend’s plug-pulling incident with his very next gig in Dublin. However, Paul McCartney, who is not on tour at the moment, had to wait a bit to make his public jab at the headline-making move by officials during his curfew-breaking guest appearance with Springsteen.

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