Dreams have played a powerful role in history - from assassinations to scientific breakthroughs to the basis of many literary tales. Check out these 25 Dreams That Changed History!
Though we all dream while sleeping, in these 25 instances people have harnessed visions from their dreams and used them to create wondrous things, escape certain deaths, and even predict future events...
Contrary to popular believe, Velcro wasn't invented by NASA, but in 1941 by a Swiss engineer who noticed how cockle burrs stuck to his dog's fur. Did you know that Viagra was invented as a drug to treat Angina...but they found an even more profitable side effect...
There are lots of inventions out there, but how do you know which ones you really need? Here are 20 inventions that can seriously make your life easier.
Running out of hands on the way to work in the rain? Try this new umbrella with a coffee cup holder in the handle...
They say necessity is the mother of invention, but sometimes its not necessity but an accident that brings us some of the greatest inventions of all time. Check out these happy accidents that changed our lives.
Not all accidents are a bad thing. Sometimes accidents turn into gold mines. So, from dynamite to Penicillin these are the top 25 accidental inventions that changed the world.