
Internet Misinformation
Internet Misinformation
Internet Misinformation
Mental Floss is second only to when it comes to exposing myths and folklore. Here's a great piece from Mental Floss that exposes a myriad of things we've all learned on the internet and believe me, we've all learned a lot of things that just aren't true...
Unsloved Internet Mysteries
Unsloved Internet Mysteries
Unsloved Internet Mysteries
For me, the internet itself is a mystery. I still refuse to believe that radio works, much less the tangle of info that is the internet (or 'interweb' as my friend Tod perversely pronounces it) Still, there's a lot more out there besides cute kids and cats and some of it is quite mysterious. Here's a video of some very mysterious internet activity:
This Is Nuts!!
This Is Nuts!!
This Is Nuts!!
If you’re so addicted to the internet that you’d give up sex, personal hygiene or chocolate for a year to keep it, you need to get help.

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