The FBI New Orleans Division warns of cyber criminals targeting shoppers hoping to take advantage of online bargains and hard to find gift items for the holidays.
Here are more fabulous finds, just in time for the Christmas holidays. Catch awesome deals, grab amazing gifts at amazing prices! See all the 2021 must-haves!
Thousands of local geeks have been visiting Geek'd Con over the last couple of years, and if you have one of those geeks on your holiday shopping list, this guide might be able to help you out.
If you're one of the 247 MILLION people who plan on doing a little Black Friday shopping, here are a few fun (frightening) facts that may change your mind...
Etsy is basically a place where all the crafty people of the world go to sell their awesome stuff. Particularly when the holiday season rolls around, Etsy is one of our go-to spots to snag one-of-a-kind presents. (But you can also get some rad Christmas decor for yourself there, too!)
Trying to find the lowest prices on toys this holiday season? The latest industry report indicates that has better deals than retail giants Walmart, Target and everyone else.
Newsflash - - - tomorrow is Valentine's Day! If you haven't gotten anything for your sweetheart yet, now is the time. This site will give you lots of great ideas for gifts that range from the simple to the extravagant. Check out these ideas to keep you out of the doghouse...
If you’re a regular shopper at Kmart or Sears, you may soon have fewer places to spend your money — parent company Sears Holdings has said that in light of decreased holiday sales, it’ll close at least 100 stores in the coming months. While Lake Charles’ Kmart is not one of the stores on the chopping block, no word has yet come down on the city’s Sears location.