funny videos

The Most Awkward Moments [VIDEO]
The Most Awkward Moments [VIDEO]
The Most Awkward Moments [VIDEO]
Awkward moments that happen to you are really, really mortifying.  Awkward moments that happen to other people are really, really funny.  Check these out...
Classic Animaniacs Video — Wakko Teaches Us State Capitols [VIDEO]
Classic Animaniacs Video — Wakko Teaches Us State Capitols [VIDEO]
Classic Animaniacs Video — Wakko Teaches Us State Capitols [VIDEO] as many state capitols as you can.  I mean, besides Baton Rouge and Austin.  Not as easy as it sounds, is it?  Kinda gives you bad flashbacks of standing in front of your 5th grade social studies class, doesn't it?  Okay, okay, go back to your seat and let Wakko show you how its done...