Looking to make some easy cash? Just turn in your fugitive friends! Texas Crime Stoppers is offering big bucks for tips on the state's most wanted criminals. It's crime, but with a paycheck!
On the U.S. Marshals Service list of the 15 most wanted fugitives in America, there is one man from South Louisiana, and he is considered to be "Armed and Dangerous".
A Louisiana middle school teacher reportedly assisted a former student and teen fugitive in his escape to Texas according to troubling details uncovered by investigators.
A man accused of riding a lawnmower on someone's else land in Louisiana turned out to be a fugitive from Utah who lived here for more than a decade, getting by without an ID and working for cash.
Nathaniel Mitchell III, Iowa, is wanted for the murder of Zacchaeus H. Burton, Baton Rouge, whose burned body was found on the roadside in DeQuincy on July 17.