
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
Get Paid $3,000 To Have The Swine Flu
While living in Baton Rouge I drove by the Pennington Bio Research facility everyday. They had a big sign out front advertising what research projects they would pay people for participating in. This goes along those same lines.
Had a Flu Shot?
Had a Flu Shot?
Had a Flu Shot?
The medical community says that the 2013 flu season is off to a troubling start. All but 9 states are reporting larger than average cases of influenza this year and Louisiana is high on the list of outbreaks as you can see from the CDC map of Influenza cases. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has some basic tips for avoiding the flu as well as a list of symptoms.
Is Sneezing Into Your Elbow the Healthy Thing to Do?
Is Sneezing Into Your Elbow the Healthy Thing to Do?
Is Sneezing Into Your Elbow the Healthy Thing to Do?
Most of us have been taught to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze, but for the last five years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been trying to persuade kids to cover their convulsive expulsions with their elbows, instead of using their hands.