Since November of last year, the Ryan Street exit along I-10 westbound has been closed and construction is a bit behind schedule because of the massive amounts of rain we've had. But, there is an end in sight.
In Lake Charles these days, there's nothing quite as certain as change and, of course, change means construction sites and partial road closures. The most recent of these closures will be in the area of Oak Park Boulevard.
Driving across a rough railroad crossing is a much less common occurrence now than it was years ago. In an effort to continue this trend the railroad crossing on Fruge Street (Highway 90) will be replace on March 20, 2015. This will result in the road's closure for two days.
There is one sure way to get the interstate rebuilt. That is to put in a Casino. It is happening now on I-210 and tomorrow there will be lane closures.
If you travel I-10 West to go to work downtown and take the Ryan Street exit ... you may want to plan a little extra time for your drive beginning Monday.