black friday

Black Friday Insanity
Black Friday Insanity
Black Friday Insanity
Black Friday Madness has begun. People are already camping out in front of some of the national chains in order to be among the first in line for those special prices. I did a check here locally and saw no evidence of Black Friday Madness anywhere, but it won't be long. Oddly enough, many of the places that report 'campers' are in parts of the country that are quite cold!
Countdown to Black Friday — Where to Find Deals and Info
Countdown to Black Friday — Where to Find Deals and Info
Countdown to Black Friday — Where to Find Deals and Info
Shopping, like any other sport, requires training, strength, stamina, and an edge over your competitors.  Black Friday is the Superbowl, World Series, World Cup, and Wimbledon of the shopping world.  Here are a few websites to help get your game plan on...
Black Friday Apps for the Best Deals!
Black Friday Apps for the Best Deals!
Black Friday Apps for the Best Deals!
We use our smart phones for directions, price comparison, to watch shows and movies, for facebook and twitter, for the latest scores, as a camera, to crack the bull whip and so much more. Why not use them to get the best Black Friday Deals?
The “Black Friday” Myth—Busted
The “Black Friday” Myth—Busted
The “Black Friday” Myth—Busted
I hope Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage from "Mythbusters" don't sue me over that headline, but I did put a link to their show in here to appease them. The scene on the Friday after Thanksgiving is like this: You get up so early that duck hunters are still in bed. You go to the local mall and wait for the stores to open. the stores open (even the ducks are still asleep) and you fight crowds