Either as a way to pay homage to the legendary Abbott & Costello or merely a way to confuse the heck out young audiences, 'Late Night' host Jimmy Fallon performed a sequel to the always mind-boggling 'Who's On First?' routine. By his side stood some living legends who successfully delivered the hysterical sketch, making it a complete win.
There was a reunion Tuesday night to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of "The Princess Bride." The stars of the movie were there to reminisce and tell stories of their filming memories. Almost everyone was there except for two of the classic film's stars who are sadly missed -- the late Peter Falk and André the Giant, who have passed away...
Murphy out Crystal back!
Kardashian's Agent Blabs!
Stephen King Heats Up Maine
It's Show Biz Buzz!!!
Billy Crystal Replacing Eddie Murphy As Oscars Host
Despite a social media campaign to have the Muppets host the Oscars this year, the job went to Billy Crystal. Crystal replaces Eddie Murph...