The President's nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court will have difficulty making it through the Senate Judiciary Committee according to U.S. Senator David Vitter.
At the White House on Tuesday, President Obama introduced 10 new provisions aimed at reducing the gun violence he says is plaguing the entire country, as evidenced by the spate of mass shootings that have occurred over the last several years.
Did the president of the United States actually give the finger to another elected official?" Surely the president knows he is always on camera. Maybe he just has his fingers arranged in a certain way and did not realize it. Yeah ... that's the ticket!
Following President Obama's victory last week, gun sales have spiked, much like they did in 2008 when he was first elected. Second Amendment supporters fear that a Democratic administration will tighten the screws on their ability to possess certain firearms, so the idea is to buy as many as possible while they're still available.
Alright, so presidential politics is weird enough, right? And what I'm about to explain isn't very likely. BUT, since this presidential election is so razor-close right now, there's actually a possibility that Romney could win the election and Joe Biden could be his vice-president. Sounds stupid, right? Well, the U.S. Constitution says it's absolutely legal.
It takes a lot to upstage the President of the United States in a photograph, but these grade school kids have done it. We're not the only ones who think so. Even the president himself (or at least his Twitter account) labeled this the "picture of the day." We're pretty sure it's not because of the kid who's trying to eat his shirt. Or the way the president isn't looking at the camera ei
That's what was missing from yesterday's debate -- a keytar! Brilliant YouTuber Schmoyoho went through footage of the debate from last night between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and made it into quite a catchy little song. One way or another, you WILL be interested in politics this election season...
If you wake up on November 7 and decide you just can't bear to live in a land with a President Romney or withstand another four years of President Obama, then have we got an offer for you: JetBlue Airways will fly you out of the country free of charge.
On Friday, President Obama joined Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Adm. Mike Mullen in formally signing a document certifying that military readiness would not be hurt by allowing gays in the military. The notice will now be sent to Congress.
The action officially repeals the 17-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy enacted during the Clinton Administration and begins the 60-day waiting period