Rouses, a popular grocery store chain in Louisiana, has recently taken an unconventional culinary leap by announcing the sale of Pumpkin Spice Bacon, leaving locals with mixed feelings about this autumn-inspired creation.
Want bacon on your burger? It's free on Tuesday. Want Bacon with your nuggets? Do it up this Tuesday. Want a Bacon McFlurry? Anything is possible on Tuesday.
It turns out taking the quiz is a must for the bacon lover in all of us. You will find some healthy tips and learn a lot about my favorite breakfast food in the process..
My friends Tod Ardoin and James Bitner are going to love this, because it proves something that they have said for years!
Finally, there is proof that bacon is indeed the king of foods. Here is the math that shows that bacon makes everything better.
Let's hear if for pig farmers! Bacon, ham and pork chops all from one great animal!