It was not business as usual at one Crowley office after a suspected drunk driver crashed into their building on Sunday. An eyewitness submitted the video to KPEL News late this afternoon. The video starts after the crash happened. It shows the suspect and another male trying to clear debris before two female passengers climb out of the wreckage. The suspect was able to back the car out of the hole in the side of the building. The driver tried to flee the scene but was arrested by Crowley Police a short time later.

Sharon Core's husband is co-owner of Right of Way Services. We spoke with her by phone this afternoon. She described the location of the building at the intersection of Eastern Avenue and East 2nd Street. Core says the driver of the car ran the red light and went straight through the parking lot and into the exterior wall.

The pictures below show the damage inside the office today.

Crowley Office Crash

Core said her husband was trying to work in the building today, but the Mardi Gras holiday has delayed any estimates on getting the property repaired. They are expecting to have to pick up much of the cost of the repairs.

As for the suspect, he was reportedly arrested and charged with DUI but is now out on bond. Core says the group in the car was coming from an after-hours club and wants to warn the public about how dangerous they can be. She said she is thankful that there were eyewitnesses to document exactly what happened.

We've reached out to Crowley Police for more information and will post it when it becomes available.

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