Sulphur High School Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Sulphur High School is celebrating their 100th anniversary today. They have a day long celebration planned for today and it will take place at the high school.
Some of the events planned for today are a car show, class reunions and band concerts just to name a few. Here is the complete line up of events for today.
Antique Car Show 9:00-4:00 Teacher Parking Lot
Display by Decades 9:00-4:00 Gym
Class reunions 9:00-4:00 Gym
Art exhibit and English writings 9:00-4:00 Hall outside library auditorium
Campus Tours (both) every 15 minutes 9:00-4:00 Courtyard
Time Capsule on display 9:00-4:00 Auditorium foyer
Gift Shop 9:00-4:00 Auditorium foyer
Dedication of Hall of Fame, presentation of key to the city, flags, and reading of names of SHS students killed serving country, pledge/presentation of colors
9:00-9:30 In the Auditorium
Cyclone, Twisters, former dancers,cheerleaders and former cheerleaders
9:30-10:00 Auditorium
Coaches/players-sports films, info, Paraphernalia reunion
9:30-11:00 Library
Toreadoras, Clippers, Storm reunion 9:30-11:00 Room #4111
Dancers (Twisters, Cyclones and before) 9:30-11:00 Room #4112
Cheerleaders reunion 9:30-11:00 Room #4113
SHS Faculty/staff meeting/reunion 9:30-10:30 Library
Choral concert 10:00-10:45 Auditorium
Class/club demonstrations 10:30-11:30 Courtyard
Band concert 11:00-11:45 Auditorium
Choral reunion 12:00-2:00 Choir Room
Band reunion 12:00-2:00 Band Room
Placement of Time Capsule 12:00 In front of school
All SHS former title holders: homecoming Court members, beauty pageant contestants, Mr. and Miss SHS recipients, Rally winners, sports titleholders, state office holders, etc.
1:00-2:00 Library - round tables
Lunch 11:00-2:00 Gym and Concession stands
Gift shop (flags) 9:00-4:00 Auditorium - foyer
Book Signings:
Afternoon Boy's Gym
Biography - "Herman Frasch the Sulphur King" by William R. Sutton PHD and L Russell Keene
"Sulphur - A History" by Calvin Sharpe
"I'll Tell You When You're Good" by David Walker
"Stories growing up in the Bayou State", "West Elizabeth" & "Along the Way" by Ron Leleux