If you're a deer hunter and have your own land or lease, there is a good chance you have a trail camera or two set up.

And what do you do? You check that sucker every day leading up to your next hunt to see what's hanging around your stand and in some cases eating from your feeder.

For those of us who fit the description above, there is no doubt you have seen some cool things, like big strapping bucks.

Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook
Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook

And if you're in the south, chances are you've got a freeze frame of a bobcat before.

Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook
Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook

But then there are those pictures you get back and go, "oh, this can't be real?!?" Yep, that's a coyote with parts of a deer in its mouth.

Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook
Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook

Every now and again, someone gets something on camera that is just unexplainable. And that happened recently for our friends who run Southern Boyz Outdoors.

They were kind enough to post the mysterious picture on their Facebook page. We won't set it up any more than to tell you it was taken in Albany, Louisiana.

Simply take a look and give us your best guess as to what this blur could be.

Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook
Southern Boyz Outdoors, Facebook

Seriously, what the heck is this thing?

If you read the Facebook comments on this post, you will see that people have wild imaginations. Here are some of the guesses:

  • Bigfoot taking a dump
  • The thing from the shower drain
  • Karate turkey
  • A wild toupee
  • Cousin It doing a funky dance
  • An Ewok jumping with his back to the camera
  • A ninja bunny
  • My mother-in-law
  • A tumble pig...very rare
  • A rare wild photoshop

While the folks at Southern Boyz Outdoors have yet to give a definitive answer as to what they think it is, it appears that the overwhelming frontrunner is a turkey.

Some folks said it was a male turkey shaking down his feathers. Others guessed it was a turkey flying away from the camera.

Whatever it's doing in the picture, we can definitely now see how it could be a turkey. Either that or a baby Rougarou, clearly.

States with the most registered hunters

Stacker analyzed data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which states have the most registered hunters. Read on to see how your state ranks on Stacker’s list.

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