WWL-TV recently had a plumber on their show to discuss how to protect your water pipes during a hard freeze.

As you may be aware by now, Louisiana will be part of this Artic Blast that is taking over much of the country, and now is the time to protect your water pipes.

Danny Griffin, with Pipes R Us, discusses what to do and what not to do in the days ahead as temperatures drop way below freezing.


For one, any exposed pipes should be layered and protected from the elements. Griffin also notes that as long as your house is heated, there's no need to drain or protect toilets in the house.

In addition to that, the plumber gave some great advice for all of you that may have swimming pools in the backyard.



He says that you should keep your pools running during a hard freeze, with water moving throughout, the threat of pipes bursting diminishes.

Speaking of keeping the water running, Griffin also explains the best way to keep the water moving throughout your house as temperatures plummet.

For some expert advice, check out this interview on WWL-TV and I encourage you to SHARE THIS with others on social media.


What to Check After the Freeze

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