Professional Cuddling Is a Thing – In the 21st century you can buy almost anything online from vitamins to speedboats – if you’re feeling a little unsure of yourself and you need a hug, or even someone to cuddle with it’s only a few mouse clicks away.

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Janet Trevino, a 37 year old mother of four from San Antonio, Texas is currently South Texas’ only ‘professional cuddler’. Before you read more into this than cuddling, she insists it’s all platonic and there’s no sex involved, it's therapeutic.  I already checked and my health insurance doesn't (yet) cover this kind of therapy.

Muppet Love
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According to Ms. Trevino it is possible to have a platonic and nurturing touch without disrobing.  Don’t know how far she travels or if the rates are by the hour or the cuddle – check it out for when you just need someone to hold you, order early for Valentine’s Day.

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