While the New York Giants celebrated their Super Bowl XLVI victory with a parade in New York City on Tuesday, the New England Patriots are being offered the opportunity to ease the agony of their defeat via an all-expenses paid trip to Aruba.


The Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA), which markets the picturesque Caribbean island, made this vacation offer to the losers of the Super Bowl earlier this week. Seizing on the Patriots’ high-profile loss as a marketing opportunity, the ATA noted Aruba’s virtues as a haven from troubles.

“… We believe there is no better place to recover after a loss than Aruba,” ATA CEO Ronella Tjin told USA Today. After all, we are known as ‘One Happy Island.’”

The online travel site Expedia.com valued a four-night, all-inclusive vacation package, including airfare, at about $1,300 per person. Every member of the Patriots’ roster is eligible for the generous offer, but so far none have booked a trip.

[via USA Today]

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