Most of the time student athletes get all the headlines - today let's call attention to McNeese students who've earned recent regional academic acclaim and awards.

Two McNeese Civil Engineering students, Matthew Mixon of Moss Bluff and Trent Hargrave of Lake Arthur, due to their hard earned academic endeavors have been awarded $1,000 each in scholarships.

The awards come from the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) in conjunction with the Southeastern Association of State Highway and Transportation office and the Louisiana Transportation Research Center.  These scholarships are given each year to juniors and seniors in civil engineering in Louisiana who have displayed an interest in a career in transportation i.e., building bigger and better roads and highway infrastructure, etc., (like the future new I-10 bridge for example)

Calcasieu River Bridge (Interstate 10)
Calcasieu River Bridge (Interstate 10)

Over in the biology department, senior Caleb Ardizzone recently won the Best Undergraduate Student Poster Award at the American Society for Microbiology.  Other biology student posters were submitted by Sarah Deeb, Zahann Eswani, Kaleb McDade and Tamylles Souza da Costa. Dakota Johnson along with faculty members authored presentations for the recent annual meeting of the Mississippi Entomological Association.

Getty Images

As well two graduate nursing students made poster presentations Jaime Elder and Noor Deeb.  

Two forensic chemistry students Kelsey Broussard and Sabrina Bonilla were selected to take part recently in the Young Forensic Toxicologist Student Enrichment Programs at the Society of Forensic Toxicologists meeting in Dallas, Texas.

We congratulate and commend these fine young academics, we know the future of the area and the world will have some of the important jobs well in hand for the safety and security and well-being of us all.  Congratulations everyone!

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