Louisiana Public Schools Could Ban Chocolate Milk
My inner 10-year-old self is kicking and screaming over this news.
The Department of Agriculture is considering eliminating chocolate milk, as well as all other flavored milks, from public school cafeterias. That's because they have "too much" sugar.
People in support of a ban argue that it will keep children healthy and reduce childhood diabetes rates.
People who oppose it argue that the calcium, potassium, and vitamin D in chocolate milk make it a net benefit. Kids may not drink ordinary milk if it is their only option.
It would still be permitted in high schools. Only elementary and middle schools would be exempt. But they're apparently exploring two alternatives...
One option would be a complete prohibition. The alternative would just restrict the amount of additional sugar permitted.
By the way, some cities have already done this on their own. For example, Boston recently removed chocolate milk from its cafeteria menus. Furthermore, such a prohibition would not be unprecedented. Back in 2010, the federal authorities banned both whole milk and 2% milk.
Wow, this is terrible news. I remember hunting for extra change around the house when I was young so I could get extra chocolate milk during lunch. I don't know what it is, but the chocolate milk just hits different. Maybe it's the "too much" sugar, lol.
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