All you have to do is drive on just about any street in town to know that there are a lot more cars than there were just about a year ago. Lake Charles has been on the grow for some time and now a report from Business Insider confirms what we already suspected: Lake Charles is the fastest growing city in the bayou state.

Southwest Economic Development Alliance President, George Swift, told our friends at KPLC that:

"We've had tremendous investment from companies. Right now we have $45 billion in projects underway and we have at least 16 thousand construction workers working on these projects. And we have an additional $72 billion of projects in the pipeline, which make us at least $117 billion, so this is unprecedented for our area."

In addition to all the added traffic, just take a short drive around the area and try to keep up with all the construction projects going on in town. I've noticed lately that you can barely drive two blocks before you see some signs of construction going on and there are more and more sub-divisions cropping up all the time.

According to the Department of Numbers, the unemployment rate in Lake Charles is at about 4.6%. Future job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 43.60%. That's a pretty impressive number. Of course we can all expect to encounter some growing pains. Everyone can tell that there is more traffic and construction going on and, if all the predictions come true, we can look for even more signs of a booming economy and population growth.

You can read the entire report about Lake Charles and some other fast growing communities around the country in a great article from Business Insider


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