Lake Charles City Hall Begins to Replace Street Signage
I was driving down Ryan Street the other night by 210 and realized it was less dark than usual. Street lights! Finally, we are getting a little more into shedding some light on the subject of rebuilding the city. Slowly but surely.
As I got closer to my destination, I ended up passing up the street entirely. I also ended up running a stop sign in the process. Well, the sign wasn't there on my side, so maybe I am innocent in that admission. It got me thinking, I wonder how many down street signs we actually have in the area?
I ran over to the City Hall Facebook page to see what sort of update there was on the subject of signage. Sure enough, they had posted about it. The post talks about the hundreds of downed signs around the Lake Area. According to them, there have been crews working nonstop to repair and replace the signage. However, they are claiming some help is needed to continue to identify areas that still need stop or yield signage replaced at intersections.
If you know of an area that needs these signs or street signage replaced, the city is asking you to call 337-491-1220 to notify them so they can send crews to that area to handle the issue.