KCS Holiday Express Train Stops In SW Louisiana This Week
The Kansas City Southern Holiday Express will be making two stops in SWLA this week.
The Holiday Express is returning to the rails for the first time in three years. The operation was shut down during the pandemic and it's last run was in 2019.

This year’s tour will include two SWLA Louisiana cities:
- DeQuincy - Wednesday Nov. 30
- Leesville - Friday Dec. 2
This is a picture of me and my kids (Elijah and Khloe) waiting in line to board the KCS Holdiay Express in 2014 at the Railroad Musuem in DeQuincy. It was so cold that day, I was miserable. I've always said that "it couldn't get cold enough in Louisiana for me to wear a jacket". Well, that day it was, and I was the moron with no jacket trying to play tough guy, lol.
Admission is free, so pack up the minivan and head over to one of the two SWLA cities that the KCS Holiday Express will be at and make some awesome family memories.
You can view the train’s full schedule with location details, click here.
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