Well, it happened again. Jeepers from Louisiana and Texas gathered last weekend on the sand of Holly Beach to hang out and spell out JEEP on the sand. What better way to spell the word JEEP than to do it with jeeps? That's just what they did.

Damon Gernentz
Damon Gernentz

I can't even organize my sock drawer let alone attempt to organize a bunch of people in an attempt to spell a word with a vehicle. These fine folks did just that and more out on Holly Beach. Just over 6 years ago, Jeep enthusiasts began rediscovering the Holly Beach area once again as organizers started a National Go Topless Weekend on the beach. Since then, the event has grown despite a pandemic and two hurricanes. With that growth, it seems that more and more people are rediscovering the "good ole days" of Holly Beach and all that it has to offer. These Jeepers are not only enjoying their time down there but helping to promote the area everything they do something like this. They also are advocates of keeping our little piece of sandy paradise as clean as possible.

I have to be honest, I am too lazy to count how many jeeps are in the picture, but it was certainly a success with a ton of photos and videos of the process. It's not a project for the faint of heart, but man is it cool to see in the end!

Damon Gernentz
Damon Gernentz


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