The final installment of the Bugs, Brews, and Bands event will occur in Kinder at Coushatta Casino Resort this Saturday.

The event features live bands, beer, and crawfish plus a huge dance floor on select Saturdays this Spring in the Pavilion at Coushatta Casino Resort in Kinder, Louisiana.

Admission is free. Crawfish will be sold by individual order at market price. There will be a cash bar for beer and soft drinks. No ice chests, please.

This Saturday, the Coushatta Casino Resort's Bugs, Brews, and Bands will feature some great live Cajun and Zydeco music from three great artists well known to South Louisiana.

This Saturday in the pavilion at Coushatta the lineup goes like this:

Photo provided by Johnny Jimenez
Photo provided by Johnny Jimenez

1:00 pm to 2:30 pm -- Johnny Jimenez

3:30 pm – 5: 00 pm -- Alfred Doucet Band

Jamie Bergeron (Photo provided by Jamie Bergeron)
Jamie Bergeron (Photo provided by Jamie Bergeron)

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm -- Jamie Bergeron & the Kickin' Cajuns

This is the final Bugs, Brews, and Bands event. Crawfish season is about to come to an end so that is one reason. The other reason is that they have a lot of other great events coming soon to Coushatta including the Coushatta Pow Wow in June.

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