This company is warning Texans that if you have this medicine in your medicine cabinet right now, you need to toss it out!

Haleon, a consumer health-care company is voluntarily recalling eight lots of Robitussin Honey CF Max Day Adult and Robitussin Honey CF Max Nighttime Adult Products expiration dates through 2025 and 2026.

Robitussin Recall in Texas

The product is being recalled due to microbial contamination.

The company states that if you have purchased this product you should stop consumption immediately and contact their Consumer Relations team at +1-800-245-1040 (Monday through Friday 8 AM to 6 PM Eastern Time) or reach out via email to

Those who have consumed the product should contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have experienced any problems that may be related to taking or using this product.

According to the company:

In immunocompromised individuals, the use of the affected product could potentially result in severe or life-threatening adverse events such as fungemia or disseminated fungal infection. In non-immunocompromised consumers, the population most likely to use the product, life-threatening infections are not likely to occur. However, the occurrence of an infection that may necessitate medical intervention cannot be completely ruled out

So, whether you are immunocompromised or not, it is best not to take the chances and just toss it out immediately. Here are the lots that are being recalled:

Robitussin Recall

This particular medicine is quite popular right now; we're still in the middle of cold and flu season and COVID cases are surging. Many Texans are looking for some relief from the cough that comes with the sickness, many may reach out for this particular Robitussin. Always consult with your physician on which medication you should be taking.

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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart