Texas has entered meteorological winter as of the first of December and with it falling on the same weekend as Thanksgiving, you might have some serious suspicions on why you are now feeling under the weather. Sure, if your household features plenty of young children, there is always a good chance they are carrying some type of bacterial bug or viral variant.

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Before you start pouncing on over-the-counter cures, you may want to first understand your personal sensitivity to allergens. Just because you do not suffer from the common causes that are most prevalent through spring and summer, does not mean you are immune to the winter ones.

Now Feeling Sick In Texas, Probably Wasn't Your Visiting Family

That is right, we have now entered cedar and mold season for allergy sufferers, and if you are feeling in a funk with a head full of junk, there is at least a good chance it was not your cousin's runny nosed kid that insisted on touching everything in sight without once washing their hands that has you cursing family gatherings.

What do you do if you have seasonal allergies in Texas?

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So, next time you are attending your annual primary care physician check up, think about testing for allergies. Allergy sensitivity can develop at any time, so just because you have suffered from them in the past, does not mean you aren't vulnerable to them now.

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One of the toughest parts about living in Central Texas is that at least one allergy season is present at all times, so it can be impossible to ever catch a break.

9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately

Here is a list of 9 bugs that even scientists agree should be killed if you see them around your property.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Beware Of The Deadliest Animals In Texas

Here are the top 10 deadliest animals in Texas, including one that might take you by surprise.

Gallery Credit: Piggie

Animals You Can Hunt Year Round in Texas

Certain animals can be hunted in the Lone Star State all year round. However, there are still rules put in place by the Texas Parks and Wildlife that have to be followed or you are breaking the law.

Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford