Louisiana is home to 4.57 million people, but if you stumble and fall in one of these cities it's unlikely that someone will be there to help you get back up.

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Most people would agree that in a perfect world, every city would be a caring community, where people would come together to lend a hand just to be kind. Sadly for many, many, reasons, we don't live in a perfect world, but that doesn't mean everyone has a heart of coal. WalletHub has conducted a study to determine which of America's largest cities have a caring community.

Photo by Canva
Photo by Canva

Louisiana is home to two of the cities on the list of America's 100 largest cities, Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Those two cities were ranked as some of the lowest in WalletHub's study Most Caring Cities in America. Baton Rouge was the least likely city to care for the community at large while being ranked 50th when it came to caring for the labor force in the city.

Overall Baton Rouge ranked as the 99th most caring city out of America's 100 largest cities. New Orleans was ranked just slightly higher at 97th place. New Orleans and Baton Rouge were both in the bottom ten cities that care for the community at large and the vulnerable people of those cities.

Hopefully, the attitudes of Baton Rouge and New Orleans aren't indicative of the rest of the state. If you want to give back to your community there are great charities around the boot state that would love your volunteer work, here in Shreveport there is a long list of charities that you could lend a helping hand to.

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Sam's Town invited charities from around the 318 to participate in the 2024 Wreaths of Hope fundraiser. Each charity got to decorate a 60" wreath that will be on display at Sam's Town. Guests of Sam's Town can vote on their favorite wreath, starting at 8 a.m. November 25th, the three winning charities will receive a prize, with the other charities receiving a participation prize. There will be an awards ceremony at Sam's Town on December 20th at 5 p.m.

These Wreathes of Hope will be on display at Sam's Town until December 26th.

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