Where do Southwest Louisiana area High Schools rank in regard to the rest of the State? Our friends over at USNews.com provided a list of High Schools ranked in the state.

Louisiana high schoolers are assessed in core subjects including English, mathematics, science, and social studies using the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program. Students may be required to take an end-of-course English test to graduate. Students can choose to pursue either the career diploma, which requires 23 credits, or the college diploma, which requires 24 credits, according to the Louisiana Department of Education.

Cute pupils running down the hall at the elementary school

UR - South Cameron High School (Cameron Parish)
UR - Johnson Bayou High School (Cameron Parish)
UR - Hackberry High School (Cameron Parish)
#201-316 - Merryville High School (Beauregard Parish)
#201-316 - Welsh High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#201-316 - Reeves High School (Allen Parish)
#200 - South Beauregard High School (Beauregard Parish)
#198 - Elton High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#197 - Lake Charles College Prep
#191 - Jennings High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#182 - Vinton High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#180 - Lake Arthur High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#178 - Washington Marion High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#167 - Hathaway High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#165 - Kinder High School (Allen Parish)
#155 - Elizabeth High School (Allen Parish)
#152 - East Beauregard High School (Beauregard Parish)
#145 - LaGrange High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#139 - Fairview High School (Allen Parish)
#133 - Singer High School (Beauregard Parish)
#131 - Oakdale High School (Allen Parish)
#129 - Oberlin High School (Allen Parish)
#123 - DeQuincy High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#117 - Iowa High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#112 - Starks High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#97 - DeRidder High School (Beauregard Parish)
#91 - Lacassine High School (Jeff Davis Parish)
#84 - Bell City High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#73 - Sulphur High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#62 - Westlake High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#60 - Sam Houston High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#30 - Alfred M. Barbe High School (Calcasieu Parish)
#25 - Rosepine High School (Vernon Parish)


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