Is Trick-or-Treat Dead?
One of my greatest memories is going out on Halloween night, begging for candy. There's something about the whole idea that still kind of excites me, even though the last time I went out trick-or-treating, I was 12. One adult commented that I was a little old to be out trick-or-treating, but I didn't care. I was having the time of my life.
I've loved Halloween for as long as I can remember. I still recall the first time I ever went out amongst the other monsters and ghouls on that special night. I wore a Porky Pig mask, and my sister, who went along with me, made me a candy bag with a witch she drew on the side. Back then, most Halloween masks were made of rubber, and the thing was hot as hell, but I had a blast.
I know I don't have to tell you that things are different now. I just moved to a new neighborhood, and the neighbors tell me that they haven't had kids coming by for candy in a couple of years. It's such a sad thing to lose the fun of Halloween.
Is my theory right? Has trick-or-treating disappeared? How about in your neighborhood?