Houston Rockets Unveil New Hot Dog, It’s Not for the Squeamish
When you visit the concession stand at an arena you expect there to be certain items on the menu. It doesn't matter whether you're at the venue for a sporting event or for a musical event, the concessions usually don't change that much. For the most part, people have come to expect beers, sodas, some salty snacks, and some sweet snacks.
But every now and then a concessionaire will come up with a unique culinary creation. Some of those items have become legendary. For example, who knew there was once a time when "nachos" were brand new and not every arena had them.
Some other adaptations and innovations created by concessionaires with a flair for the dramatic include chicken in waffle cones, chicken sandwiches that use doughnuts for buns, and hot dogs surrounded by churro breading. While these items often times aren't huge sellers, their mere existence gets the concession stand some publicity, much like the publicity that we are offering for our most recent snack discovery.
If you're a fan of the Houston Rockets of the NBA and happened to be in attendance at their game Friday night, you could have actually sampled one of the team's latest snack sensations. Although, I am not sure you'd really want to do that.
Just to clarify what you are looking at is in fact a jumbo hot dog. That hot dog has a topping of Mac n Cheese plus bacon and of course Froot Loops, the breakfast cereal.
Well, with the debut of such a culinary treasure you'd think fans of the Houston Rockets of the NBA would have been beside themselves with praise for the new treat. But no, they apparently found more than just a little fault with the dish.
One commenter on Twitter even evoked the name of the late Betty White to condemn this kind of food hooliganism.
For the most part, the comments about the new hot dog and topping were met with cautious humor. Then again a few fans knew exactly what they'd like to do with the new hot dog.
As for me, I think I would pass on adding the Froot Loops. I am more than okay with Mac N Cheese and bacon too on my hot dog. It's not preferred hot dog toppings but I can get comfortable with those comfort foods.
I do think they could have made this hot dog worse by topping it with any brand of raisin bran style cereal or any form of granola. I don't like my hot dogs to crunch when I bite them. I still have fears of bone fragments in the sausage so, I like hot dogs that go down smooth and that don't rely on simulated fruit flavors to compete with the simulated meat flavors.
I wonder how a Froot Loop Dog would do in the crockpot? Probably about as well as it would do in a garbage can. I am not cleaning Froot Loops out of my slow cooker. And you'd be wise to not put any of these things in yours.