Harry Caray Hologram Sets Off Social Media, Was it Cool or Offensive?
Over eight years ago a hologram of the late great rapper Tupac appeared on stage at the Coachella music festival to perform with Dr. Dre.
At the time, the reaction was mixed.
While it was cool, some found it a little creepy for being too realistic.
MLB's annual Field of Dreams game took place last night in Iowa.
While a matchup between the struggling Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds didn't carry any weight as it pertains to the playoff race, the overall presentation was applauded, especially the pregame.
While the entire broadcast drew mostly positive reviews, there was one exception.
"If you build it, they will come."
The line from cinema's Field Of Dreams is one of the most iconic in movie history.

I doubt they expected it to turn into building a hologram of Harry Caray and viewers coming to watch it on TV.
A few days ago, journalist Timothy Burke revealed the possible appearance of Caray and that it could be "offensive", which only drummed up more interest in seeing it.
FOX wasn't worried about it being "unconvincing" or "possibly offensive". They delivered on the Harry Caray promise.
A hologram of deceased comedian/sportscaster Harry Caray appeared on the FOX broadcast.
For years, Caray would sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" during the 7th Inning Stretch of Cubs games at Wrigley Field.
Last night, his hologram led the song in Dyersville, Iowa.
There's only about 7 seconds of close-up shots. From a safe distance, the hologram doesn't look so bad, though it's a little creepy.
Caray's hologram has sports journalists and fans torn.
Was it cool or offensive...and/or scary?
I found the hologram a little creepy, but it doesn't offend me.
What are your thoughts on holograms of deceased celebrities?
Cool or offensive?