Gov. Edwards Holding COVID-19 Press Conference Today
Governor Edwards will hold a press conference today and is expected to announce if Louisiana will stay or move forward from Phase 2.
The current modified Phase 2 reopening order is set to expire tonight a midnight. During the pandemic, Louisiana has administered over six million COVID-19 tests. There have been a total of 430,504 total confirmed cases in our state that have resulted in 9,628 deaths.
Edwards is also expected to discuss what the state is doing to distribute the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Over four million of those vaccines have been sent out across the country to healthcare providers. Louisiana health officials say the state will receive about 35,000 doses of the J&J vaccine.
The press conference will be held at 1:00pm today and will be live on Facebook. Edwards and other state officials will also be receiving their second round of the COVID-19 vaccine following the news conference.
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