Fenton Crawfish Farmer Captures Huge Snake on Video
Yesterday morning, I got a phone call from Mr. Kalob Deaton on the studio line, and he started telling me this story about a huge snake he encountered while checking his crawfish traps.
He said he was out checking his traps when he looked up to see a huge snake in the trees. He said the snake had to be 10 to 12 feet long, and it was just slithering through the trees.
I asked him how big around the snake was, and his response was, "I am a big boy, and that snake was bigger around than my forearms, so I would say five to six inches around."
He said it looked like a huge anaconda, but most likely was a rat snake.
Deaton immediately grabbed his cell phone and shot a video of the snake navigating around the trees. Y'all, let me tell you this snake was huge!
The video has gone viral with over 87,000 views. Haven't seen it? Well, here ya go.
No, thank you. I am not a fan of snakes, especially snakes that are way bigger than me and can swallow me whole.