October 31, 2015 | 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm
Isle of Capri Casino Resort
100 Westlake Ave, Westlake, LA 70669 United States
(337) 433-1641

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What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Well, whatever it is, don't cut corners, because at the 2015 Monster Bash, we have $5,000 in prizes for our winners! Join us on Halloween night at the Isle of Capri Casino Resort for our FREE Halloween celebration -- we're even bringing in a band that's already dressed up! Bag of Dounts will start rocking at 8 p.m., followed by our costume contest at 9 p.m.

You can also stop by our "Selfie Station" to make sure you get the best picture of your awesome 'stume -- you may even get a prize for that, too!

Ivan Bliznetsov / Thinkstock
Ivan Bliznetsov / Thinkstock