The Easter holiday kept us busy and many didn't know that early voting began Saturday April 16 for the April 30 Municipal General Election. Early voting will end Saturday April 23, 2022. During this elections several parishes will hold runoff that were held in March. In addition, SWLA residents will decide upon various taxes, bonds, filling vacant seats, local proposition, etc.

Early voting times are from 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. each night. If you are not sure where to early vote in your area click here.  To  see what is on your ballot click here. Each Parish will vote on different factors and for a look at all that is to be decided click here. Calcasieu Parish early voting locations are as follows:

REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE                                                                     
1000 RYAN ST RM #7
LAKE CHARLES, LA 70601-5250



As for residents in Calcasieu Parish, it looks like we will vote on 4 important tax proposition's. See them below.

1.) Community Center and Playground District No. Four of Ward One Proposition - 10 Mills Renewal - BOC - 10 Yrs.
Shall Community Center and Playground District No. Four of Ward One, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, renew, levy and collect a ten (10) mill capital improvement and maintenance ad valorem tax on all taxable property not to exceed ten (10) years beginning January 1, 2023, with collections from the renewed levy estimated to be $984,643.00 for one entire year, for the purpose of operating, acquiring, constructing, improving, extending and maintaining public recreational services and facilities within the district?

2.) Ward One Fire Protection District Number One Proposition - 7.00 Mills Renewal - BOC - 10 Yrs.
Shall Ward One Fire Protection District No. One of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, renew, levy and collect a tax not exceeding 7.00 mills for a period not to exceed ten (10) years beginning in 2023, in excess of and in addition to other taxes levied by the District, with collections from the renewed levy estimated to be $689,250.00 for one entire year, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining or operating fire protection or emergency medical service facilities, vehicles and equipment, both movable and immovable property, owned or used by the District directly or indirectly to provide fire protection or emergency medical service within the District, including without limitation, salaries and benefits of fire district personnel, the cost of obtaining water, communication, equipment, uniforms and other materials and supplies, the cost of fire hydrant rentals and service, the cost of fuel, insurance and maintenance for vehicles and equipment, the cost of insurance, utilities and upkeep of buildings and grounds, and all other maintenance and operating costs, title to which shall be in the public?

3.) Ward Four Fire Protection District No. Two Proposition - 8.5 Mills Renewal - BOC - 10 Yrs.
Shall Ward Four Fire Protection District No. Two, of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, be authorized to renew, levy and collect a special tax of eight and one-half (8.5) mills on the dollar of assessed valuation on all property subject to taxation in said District for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the tax collection for the year 2023, and ending with the year 2032, with collections from the renewed levy estimated to be $1,797,977.00 for one entire year, for the purpose of maintaining, operating and developing fire protection facilities, for purchasing fire trucks and other fire fighting equipment, and for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, improving and constructing fire protection facilities constituting works of public improvement within the territorial limits of the District?

4.)Waterworks District No. Nine of Ward Four Proposition - 3 Mills Renewal - BOC - 10 Yrs.
Shall Waterworks District No. Nine of Ward Four of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana (the “District”) be authorized to renew, levy and collect an ad valorem property tax of three (3) mills on all the property subject to taxation within the District for a period of ten (10) years beginning on January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2032, with collections from the renewed levy estimated to be $634,570.00, for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining or operating the District’s waterworks system?

LOOK: Things from the year you were born that don't exist anymore

The iconic (and at times silly) toys, technologies, and electronics have been usurped since their grand entrance, either by advances in technology or breakthroughs in common sense. See how many things on this list trigger childhood memories—and which ones were here and gone so fast you missed them entirely.

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