This is the job for people who love to sit back, bust out the popcorn, and just watch movies. Specifically, Disney movies. The new streaming platform, Disney + will kick off on November 12, and in honor of that, is hiring five people for $1,000 each to watch 30 Disney films in 30 days. They are calling it 'the Disney Dream Job', and I can't disagree.

Qualifications include being 18 or older, and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Oh, and you are required to create a video telling them why you are the biggest, baddest Disney fan out there. The winner will also get a year long subscription to Disney +, and a Disney related kit to watch your movies, which includes 'a cozy mouse-themed blanket, four cups that would make Mickey proud, and the cutest Pixar popcorn popper we’ve ever seen, complete with movie theater popcorn kernels'.

Might be time to try on those mouse ears and see if they still fit. Good luck, y'all. Details on how to apply are in the video below.

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