Know this, every election is important. Every election has valuable legislation or political candidates up for election, that can change our lives for the better or worse. Whether it’s politicians running for office or being put out of office, new or historical laws being implemented or voted out, "we the people" must vote to ensure our leaders and laws operate in our best interest.

Two local and state elections are the ones that affect us directly, so they deserve extra attention. Speaking of which, two local and state elections are right around the corner on October 9 and November 8. Three candidates are running in the states special election to serve in the LA State Senate / District 27. Do you care who holds your life and rights in their hands? If so, check out the candidates on the ballad on October 9.

*Dustin Granger (D)

*Jacob "Jake" Shaheen (R)

*Jeremy Stine (R)

The 2021 Constitutional Amendments and local bills to be decided on include November 8:

*Act 406 (HB707) prohibits an employer from requesting or considering a job applicant’s arrest record or charge if there was no conviction. Employers are to weigh whether an applicant’s criminal history has anything to do with the ability to do the job being sought and the amount of time that has passed since the offense occurred.

*Allows felons who are sentenced to probation but not sent to prison to register and vote in elections after February 1, 2022.

Important issues like this and many others occur in local and state elections all of the time. This is why we all need to pay attention to what is being voted on, and against in every state and local election going forward. Get register NOW if you want to vote in the October 9 election. The deadline for online voter registration is September 18, the deadline to request a mail-in ballot is October 5. For more voter registration deadlines and election dates see the calendar below:

Gina Cook
Gina Cook

See 20 Ways America Has Changed Since 9/11

For those of us who lived through 9/11, the day’s events will forever be emblazoned on our consciousnesses, a terrible tragedy we can’t, and won’t, forget. Now, two decades on, Stacker reflects back on the events of 9/11 and many of the ways the world has changed since then. Using information from news reports, government sources, and research centers, this is a list of 20 aspects of American life that were forever altered by the events of that day. From language to air travel to our handling of immigration and foreign policy, read on to see just how much life in the United States was affected by 9/11.

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