Could The Aftermath Of Matthew Affect Louisiana Recovery?
Hurricane Matthew has yet to do its worst for the Sunshine State. As of early this morning the storm was nearing the east coast of Florida and was expected to ride the coast line northward. There will be significant damage in Florida. There will be a need for federal assistance. President Obama has already declared parts of Florida a federal disaster area.
It might seem callous to even speculate on this but reality is reality. People in Louisiana are still reeling from the effects of the spring floods in North Louisiana and the floods of August in South Louisiana. Will the additional aid relief needed for Florida turn the faucets off for recovery funding for our state?
I think this just creates a heightened awareness for a need to help communities who are having problems.
Those comments by Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy seems to reflect optimism that Louisiana will not be forgotten. In speaking with the Louisiana Radio Network Cassidy said the fact that Louisiana has already received a $500 million aid package is good news for our state's citizens affected by flooding. The bad news is that Governor Edwards has requested more than triple that amount.
Cassidy doesn't believe the carnage in Florida and other Southern states as the result of Matthew will mean less for Louisiana.
The more folks affected, the more support you have for relief.
His comments also seem to suggest that the more people needing aid the better chances for politics to take a backseat the real issues facing our country's citizens. Let's hope this is the case. Let us also hope and pray the damage from Matthew won't be as extensive as it certainly could be.