Louisiana jumped for joy as Governor Edwards announced in a recent press conference that the state would be moving forward with moving into Phase 3. It is a phase the state saw for only a brief amount of time before getting moved back down into a modified Phase 2. As the people of Louisiana celebrated, Texas decided it would open fully, along with Mississippi. To some in Louisiana, it was like the annoying neighborhood kid got the entire Ninja Turtle playset, and you just got Leonardo with one sword.

Congressman Clay Higgins decided he would step up and send an official letter to the Louisiana Governor requesting Louisiana follow the path of its neighboring states. Higgins mentioned in his letter about how the state is seeing a decline in population and economic drive due to the restrictions still in place a year later. He notes that on top of the restrictions still in place, the two major hurricanes and freeze have further destroyed the economy of the state (especially here in Southwest Louisiana).

Higgins finished off the letter to Edwards by saying Louisiana residents are able to make their own decisions when it comes to their health concerns, and should be allowed to do so. Will it fall on deaf ears like the rest of the pleas from other members of Louisiana Congress?

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