Do you have a young hunter in your household? Then get ready to enroll them into the Calcasieu Sheriff’s Office Hosting Hunter’s Education Course that is coming up in a couple of weeks this month.

The two-day event will take place on Wednesday, June 22 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and the class will continue on Thursday, June 23 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Duck hunting on the river with golden labrador
Getty Images

The course will be held at the Calcasieu Parish Regional Training Academy located at 3958 Mallard Cove in Lake Charles.  For you to receive credit for the course, you must attend both days of the course.

This course is offered free of charge to anyone 10 years of age or older.  According to the CPSO,

You must pre-register for the class by visiting  For more information please call (337) 491-3784.

Refreshments will be provided on both days and lunch will be provided on Thursday.

So here is your chance to put your younger hunters into the course so they can be educated and learn the safety protocols while hunting and enjoying Sportsman's Paradise which is Southwest Louisiana.

Beautiful Parks of Southwest Louisiana




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