“Buddy The Elf Spaghetti” Meal Kits Go On Sale Next Week
Do you recall the moment from "Elf" where Will Ferrell eats spaghetti for breakfast and drizzles it with syrup and candy?
A meal kit inspired by the famous scene in the movie Elf will be available next week, so you can now indulge yourself just like Buddy.
HelloFresh and Warner Brothers have partnered up to bring the Buddy breakfast scene alive and you can purchase your meal kit at HelloFreshElfSpaghetti.com. There are two full servings of "Buddy the Elf Spaghetti" in each $15 package.
Everything you need is included in the kits such as:
- pasta
- marshmallows
- different candies
- maple syrup
- chocolate syrup
- chocolate cereal
- plain Pop-Tarts with chocolate frosting
Look, these things are going to sell out quickly, so they're giving you multiple opportunities to purchase a meal kit. Each day, Monday through Friday, they're just making a small quantity available. They go on sale at 11:25 PM CST with a maximum of two kits per purchase.