The Big Ten Was Asked to Reverse Its Decision and Said No
College football has been getting pressured by the government to have their seasons and while some divisions are moving ahead, the Big Ten still says, "no."
I love football just like the next guy or gal and will sure miss those Big Ten games on television this fall, but what do we do? We are in the middle of a pandemic and if it is not safe for players to play, then why put them and others in jeopardy?
We have to make sacrifices until this pandemic is gone and it's safe for people to get together again.
According to FOX 17, Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren said in a letter Wednesday night,
The vote by the Big Ten Council of Presidents and chancellors was overwhelmingly in support of postponing fall sports and will not be revisited. The decision was thorough and deliberative, and bases on sound feedback, guidance and advice from medical experts. Despite the decision to postpone fall sports, we continue our work to find a path forward that creates a healthy and safe environment for all Big Ten student athletes to compete in the sports they love in a manner that helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protects both student athletes and the surrounding communities.
I know not having Big Ten football or any fall sports is probably not a popular answer but at least they are looking at the big picture and what is best for human safety.
I also feel bad for the athletes, especially seniors, who have worked a lifetime to get to this moment and may not get to finish what they started.
Hopefully in the interim, Big Ten schools can get a plan to mimic what the NBA and NHL have been doing with their bubbles to protect players and we get those games in the spring.
Plus, we are a few weeks away from the NFL starting and hopefully those teams do a lot of things to protect their players that colleges can learn from so that students will get to play their final year, even if it has to be in the spring.
I know one thing, I will sure appreciate sports and concerts a whole lot more when this pandemic is finally behind us.