One dream I always had was to play a bad guy in a movie. Well, I got my chance in 2005 when I was cast in the movie "Mercy."  Since then I have played nothing but bad guys! Ever wondered what it's like to be on a movie set?

I'll be taking you "behind the scenes" on the movie "The Man in the Chair"



I mentioned that since my first movie role, I've played nothing but bad guys.

That's fine with me because the bad guy gets to have all the fun. ( I mean, seriously, just look at the still from "Mercy" here! Does that not look like fun?)







I also played a real evil guy by the name of "Harley" in "Good Boy"


See? More fun!


I have murdered people, kidnapped people and generally caused death and destruction in five different movies.  I'm happy to say that I've been cast as the bad guy in a movie being filmed here in the Lake Area. The movie is called "The Man in the Chair"

A woman's daughter is killed by a drunk hit and run driver. The police have no idea who the guy is..but Mommy figures it out, takes the man hostage and straps him in a chair in her house.  I play the guy in the chair. My friend Julie Ann Fay plays the woman.






From time to time, I'll be posting pictures of the production process so you can see all the "movie stuff" you never see on the screen. I hope you'll enjoy it.






Here is a link to the Facebook page about the movie. "The Man in the Chair".

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